Systemic Supervision
I supervise people who work with couples and families, and who work with children and young people. I supervise qualified systemic psychotherapists as well as trainees, and I have ‘live’ supervised Masters level students at the IPPN, King’s College London, and at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
I supervise professionals who are not systemically trained but who are interested in systemic approaches, especially in relation to working with children and young people. I also supervise managers in organisations who are looking for a systemic approach to their management practice.
I usually offer monthly one hour sessions, and am very willing to have email contact with my supervisees between sessions to support their practice. Under certain circumstances, I offer online supervision.
Usually individuals ask me to supervise them for their private practice, but I am sometimes commissioned by organisations to offer supervision for their employees. I have supported supervisees in the process of becoming accredited, and see as part of my role not only providing clinical supervision for their practice and a reflective space for their learning, but also professional development, support and encouragement.
I have worked in primary and secondary schools since 1999, and offer consultation to pastoral staff in schools who might benefit from support and a reflective space to think about their work with children. This may be in the form of small group support on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, or may be individual support and advice for SENCOs on a regular or ad hoc basis.
I am co-lead of a Foundation course in Family Interventions for Adults, with a special focus on families living with psychosis and with dementia. I am also a Visiting Teaching Fellow at Surrey University, and teach at the Tavistock Centre. .
I have taught a number of one-day or half-day trainings on subjects including ‘working with risk and young people’, and ‘story-telling as a therapeutic tool’.
I am at times able to offer trainings to groups of professional people.